Sunday 1 September 2013

My Favourite Album Covers

I’ve tried all methods of procrastination to avoid writing this blog post.
Cleaning, exercising, organising, and socializing in all areas of my life not relating to the work I’m meant to actually be doing. I even try telling myself that I can’t actually get stuck into my work until I have built up a playlist to last me the extensive hours I will be spending completing the work.
That’s when I had an idea.
Whilst I’m building up this 7 hour long playlist, why not choose my favourite album covers and share them with those who appreciate good design most?
So, without further ado, here are my top 10 album covers as found in my iTunes library (in no particular order). 

(That's a lie, they're in alphabetical order).

2004-2009 – The Getaway Plan

This album art  is closely linked to it's predecessor 'Other Voices, Other Rooms', which also features an iceberg, but this cover looks better (which is why it made the list...). This album was released after the band decided to call it quits in 2009, hence the release of this 'best of' album, and the art will always remind me of my young 19 year old self.

Glorious Ruins – Hillsong

Don't tell the other albums in this list, but this is my favourite album cover of all time. Daytime fireworks (which look just as amazing in real life as they do in the album art) and gold foiling make for another successful production from the designers at Hillsong, and we all know how much I'm inspired by their work (see my previous blog post).

Homesick - A Day To Remember

When you compare all of A Day To Remember's album covers, you notice they all feature this identity-less figure. I'm not sure what the statement is that they're trying to make with this concept, but I'm a fan of the continuity it brings to their albums.

Love. Angel. Music. Baby. – Gwen Stefani

The first album I ever purchased when I was 14, there's something about the distortion and mess of colour that sucks me in and makes my mind want to discover what is happening in this artwork. Well done Gwen, you've managed to find an album cover that looks as you sound (which is a great thing!).

Plagues – The Devil Wears Prada

If you've really been reading this post, you may have noticed that this cover, and the Homesick cover look very similar. And you would be right in that assumption. The artists name is Dan Mumford and his work seems to be a reoccurring favourite of mine (he's made a number of my favourite album covers that didn't quite make the list). Dan, you're a creative genius.

Singularity – Northlane

I don't know whether it's the beautiful fusion of colour featured in the sky, or the weird ritual happening in the foreground, but I just love the album cover for Northlane's latest album.
On second thoughts, I think it's the sky that I like about this cover.

Sound of Melodies – Leeland

If I were to hone my illustration skills, this would be very similar to my own personal style. I guess that's why I like it. That, and my OCD smiles at the symmetry.

The Flood Deluxe 2 – Of Mice & Men

An ampersand that looks textured and 3D. Need I say more?

United Paper People – Kisschasy

A personal favourite of mine was listening to Debaser's presentation at AgIdeas 2013. They are responsible for this album cover (which is apparently based on oil paintings). This cover was a favourite of mine when it was released in 2005, and still continues to be. I guess that speaks volumes about the creative geniuses behind this artwork.

What Seperates Me From You - A Day To Remember

I couldn't decide between this and the Homesick cover, so I decided to feature both in my list (that's the reason why there's 11, but I'm sure you didn't notice that, right?). The figure is featured again, as is a few of the bands acquaintances, as people walking behind the hourglass.
I'm a fan of this illustration style.

Zion – Hillsong United

Yes, I wrote about this last time. Yes, this is the eleventh album cover when I said there would only be ten. Yes, it is another album cover from Hillsong.
I can't help myself! The designers at Hillsong may as well be a unicorn. They're mystical, magical, and poop out rainbows like this album cover.

So there you have it. My favourite album covers, and the blogpost I thought would never happen. 

"Album design will exist as long as music is being produced." – Debaser

Blog post by Danelle Morton

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