Thursday 10 October 2013

The Importance of Colour in Branding

The importance of colour in a brands design it recognisable and stand out. Colour is the first thing we notice when looking at brand. Majority of people remember a brand by its colours. Colour communicates moods to the audience. It signifies different meanings and interpretations. When the audience first sees the corporate brand design they react to its colours. The colours of a corporate brand design can either make it memorable or easy to forget.

Whilst restocking the fridge at work I noticed a change.. Some of the drinks and packaging were different. At first glance I didn’t like the new designs, simply because there weren’t what I had expected and was used to. When I got home I googled these new designs to compare them.  This is what I found and my opinion of the new designs.

The first design I noticed was Powerade.
Old Design
New Design
They have kept the same colours but changed the logo and style of the bottle. The new bottle is more rounded and slimline. It looks nicer to grip and hold in your hands opposed to the original square rigid shaped bottle.

  The new logo is flat and straight, but this makes it look more stylish, contemporary and modern. The typeface is different to the original. The black outline effect and slant on the old logo looks dated. I like that they have kept the original colours as the previous bottles. This makes the brand still recognisable despite the design change that also makes restocking the fridge easy.
 I personally think that by keeping their original colours, the brand is still recognisable as Powerade, it is just a new modern look.
 The second design change I noticed was Cool Ridge. They too, changed their logo, but did not keep their original colours.
Old Design

New Design
Coolridge has also changed their bottle to a more rounded and slimline shape. They have changed the original blue to a deeper and richer colour. And then added red. I don’t like their choice of having red to resemble ‘Australian Water Springs’. I don’t know their rationale behind that choice either so I’m not looking at these designs objectively. But for me, I don’t associate red with water; I associate red with fire, heat, roses that are quite the extreme opposite of water.
 They have changed the typeface of the logo, the positioning of the words is slightly similar. I noticed that in the new design the ‘r’ is the only letter capitalised which is interesting. I personally prefer the original design, because it resembles water more then the new design does.

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