Thursday 17 October 2013

Be a team player and set your boundaries

When I think of a team, I often think of the human body, each part of the body serves it’s own purpose, and without one part of the body doing it’s role, other body parts will either suffer or have to overcompensate for the failing part’s faults. 

As Designers we are given responsibilities and deadlines that must be met, because of this we must be accountable to the people around us and pull our weight as part of a team. However, with this, others also need to also be accountable to us. So like these body parts, we must be team players. 

Something I have learned while working in a studio environment is the importance of a timeline. This sets out exactly when things are due and how the project will be completed by the deadline. It also stops things from being left till the last minute and causing great amounts of stress for the whole team. In the human body when the ears can not hear, or the eyes do not see, the brain as a result of this does not have the information to process. Like this analogy, when people don’t respect deadlines within a timeline, this often has implications on others, and as designers, this implication falls on us. How can we complete a brief if the information promised is not provided? It is not possible.

The sad reality though is that PEOPLE ARE UNRELIABLE.

As a designer it is extremely important for us to set strong boundaries with the people we work with. By doing this we are showing that we respect ourselves as designers, and ask that others also do the same, and understand that the work we do is important and takes time, effort, and skill. Because lets face it, (and not this is not intended in an arrogant way), not everyone could do the work we do.

So I guess the key think I’m trying to say is do your bit, and set your boundaries, you are designer and this is something that people should respect.

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