Monday 22 October 2012

Inspirational Poster Design

Written by Peck Flamenco

I have been looking at a lot of poster design recently. I would like to share some of my favourite ones, that I have come across. They are not in any order of preference. I like them all for different reasons.

I love the color pallet of this poster. The way that the sky blends from light to dark. I like that it is a vector poster as I have a "thing" for vector. I also really like the position of the type. It's small but effective.

This poster speaks for itself. I love that the type is made out of what it is saying. I like how the "The" is not complete, since the birds that make it up, are flying away. It's such a cool concept. I also like the way the birds stand out from the red background. 

I like the combination of minimal type, shapes and photo. It's simple but it grabs a lot of attention. Well at least it grabbed mine!

This poster is cool. I love the blue combined with the red lips. It's just amazing. I love the use of the real tongues, lips and teeth. I love how the page is ripped to see the type behind. I think this has to be one the best poster I have ever seen. It's a great inspiration. 

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