Monday 22 October 2012

Inspirational Poster Design

Written by Peck Flamenco

I have been looking at a lot of poster design recently. I would like to share some of my favourite ones, that I have come across. They are not in any order of preference. I like them all for different reasons.

I love the color pallet of this poster. The way that the sky blends from light to dark. I like that it is a vector poster as I have a "thing" for vector. I also really like the position of the type. It's small but effective.

This poster speaks for itself. I love that the type is made out of what it is saying. I like how the "The" is not complete, since the birds that make it up, are flying away. It's such a cool concept. I also like the way the birds stand out from the red background. 

I like the combination of minimal type, shapes and photo. It's simple but it grabs a lot of attention. Well at least it grabbed mine!

This poster is cool. I love the blue combined with the red lips. It's just amazing. I love the use of the real tongues, lips and teeth. I love how the page is ripped to see the type behind. I think this has to be one the best poster I have ever seen. It's a great inspiration. 

Cafeteria Branding Digital Process

Written by Kaleb Carrasco

For our client, Avondale's The Caf, we were to create and design a branding solution that will be launched next year. I am showing here the digital thumbnails and process of logo formation for my presented solution: Pointon Place Cafeteria.

My conceptual approach was comprised of circular movements and progressions from one point to another; just like the movement of the cafeteria line, I also wanted to portray the growth at Avondale College an on-campus student experiences. The Caf is where residential students eat three times a day for their duration on campus, and for many it is their 'dining table' for a few years. The circles also represent dinner plates, and the two individual circles represent the Buffet and the Cafe that make up the Cafeteria.

Here is the final design of the logo and business card

Monday 15 October 2012

Desert Showdown

Client: College Church

Designer: Jordan Tyler Lee

One ongoing commitment at That Design is a weekly poster for College Church. Given a title and theme, we create a new poster each week for the upcoming service. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not. 

This week, the title was Desert Showdown. The topic was based on a story in the Bible where Jesus is tempted by Satan in the Judean Desert, billed as a gritty showdown between good and evil. The design solution for this poster was very tactile, in order to capture that desert feeling through real imagery, combined with a striking, hostile title.

The process for this was a bit of fun and involved typesetting, printing, cutting out letters, placing title, covering with sand, removing lettering, photographing, editing, and finally laying it out in InDesign.