Monday 14 May 2012

Great Design

Written By: Briana Williams

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things bought together”. 
In our studio we come together to produce things which are just right for you and your business. The above quote is one which I came across many years ago. I can't quite remember who it was by, but it is something which inspired me to work on my time management. I believe that great design takes time, not just an all nighter the night before something is due to be pitched.

With the use of many design elements, we collate ideas to produce a design which is suited to the task at hand. It takes many long hours in the studio and also spent in our spare time outside of class. Great design is not just one element, it is a series of things bought together to create something amazing! I strive to create something that is GREAT and ultimately something which is just right for you and your business. Something great doesn't just happen over night it takes many long hours of work to produce something which is seen as great design. On that note, what is great design? And who is it that determines what great design is? Have a think about it and let us know what you believe great design to be! We love to get feedback on your own personal thoughts. On another note, if anyone knows who the above quote is by please let me know.