Client: Avondale College
Lead Designer: Jordan Tyler Lee
Tarsha Menzies
Assistant Editor:
Sara Thompson
Project Manager:
Kaleb Carrasco
Design Team:
Jordan Tyler Lee, Kaleb Carrasco, Peck Flamenco, Briana Williams
Jordan Tyler Lee, Ashleigh Wrankmore
Sara Thompson, Gavin Bower, Anastasia Benton, Leah Stewart, Tarsha Menzies
Graphic Design Lecturer: Donna Pinter
Administration: Kevin Judge
Proofreading Team: Kevin Judge and Kathy Readford
Special Thanks:
Donna Pinter, Aaron Bellette, Paul Lewis, Richard Morris, Kristine Lubinski, Kathy Readford, Kevin Judge
The Jacaranda, or JAC as it is known, is the annual yearbook for Avondale College. Each year that design studio is commissioned for the job, receiving a brief from the appointed editor in semester one and pitching for the job within the class. After what seemed like an endless amount of time, the process is complete for this year.
The theme for this year was Your Story. In this design, the literal story is broken down much like a book would be. There are three parts, and nine chapters to guide the reader through the story. The visual story is told through fundamental elements likes basic shapes and basic colours, all combining to make up the bigger picture of the 2012 story. The overlapping, interacting, overlaying, connecting, mixing and linking of the structures and shapes construct the story, while every single image and colour can be broken down into cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
This is the 2012 JAC.